LifeUltra™ Autoclave

World’s Best Hygiene Solution Autoclave

Display Interface – 4.8″ monochrome 240×128 pixel backlit LCD display

Control Interface – 3 discreet navigation and 1 discreet selection button

Hard Copy Output – Thermal Printer with 2 1⁄4” (57 mm) with spill-proof paper roll holder, integrated manual cutter

The World’s Best Autoclave

LifeUltra™ is a 25L, mono chamber, tabletop autoclave that neutralizes microbial life such as bacteria, spores, viruses, and
biological agents such as prions on the surface of load items to render it sterile for reuse. To achieve asepsis, the
autoclave employs saturated steam at mission-critical temperatures, pressures, and for standardized time durations in a
hermetically sealed chamber. LifeUltra™ is designed as a medical and laboratory electrical equipment intended to be used
to sterilize heat and moisture-stable reusable loads (solid, porous, or hollow) that are loaded unwrapped or wrapped. It is not
intended to sterilize liquids, solvents, or pharmaceutical products.

One Machine – 3 Classes

LifeUltra™ bears a microcontroller with installed software that has pre-set programs to run standard B, S, and N
sterilization cycles, test cycles, and customized cycles.

Built in Distiller

Saturated steam for sterilization is generated from distilled water produced in an onboard Water Still. This allows users to
directly tap into municipal facility water (not more than 500 ppm TDS). For this innovative feature, the device is
programmed to run both an automatic water distilling cycle and a manual tank descaling cycle.

Integrated Air-Water-Steam System

Saturated steam for sterilization is generated from distilled water produced in an onboard Water Still. This allows users to
directly tap into municipal facility water (not more than 500 ppm TDS). The integrated software manages the robust
air-water-steam system through precision sensors, probes, and switches that monitor and control the device’s vital
parameters in real-time, assuring safe and successful results. The operation of the device is through a backlit display and
control interface.